Friday, December 17, 2010

Sunlight, Pins & Needles, and Peace

There's  nothing like a bright sunny day during mid-December in Vermont.  The glimmers that sparkle through the windows are enhanced by their reflection off of the whiteness that covers the ground.  A bit blinding and in my case, although I love sunlight, my eyes have become sensitive to the point where I must drawn the blinds a bit.  Still, the rays push on through beaming onto my legs.  The warm feels as if its a gift, a hug to myself shared with the Universe.  Its a splendid feeling and suddenly I'm aware of the tingly in my feet and legs and knees.  And the combination of the two - feel like I can live with a real sense of peace.

The holiday season can be a challenging time for those of us with physical restrictions.  The energy of the winter and holiday season and the activities - lend themselves to stressful times.  I've found excellent ways this year to LIVE WITH PEACE AND LIVE FULLY!

Here's something:  One of my students was selling citrus fruit for a fundraiser for the Future Farmer's of America (our local chapter)  I purchased my fair share; it was fun - I felt a surge.  Now I am giving them out as the Winter Solstice approaches to bring a bit of juicy, Vitamin C to my neighbors, family, and friends :)  Living that experience, makes me live fully.  My soul warms throughout the experience.

Something else:  I took clothes to 2 consignment stores; one for adults and one for children.  My husband, daughter, and I all sold back some lightly used items.  Plus we collected all sorts of things from around our house: clothes, books, toys, jewelry, watches, purses/bags, geez I know there's more but I can't even remember.  I dropped all that stuff off at the Goodwill in South Burlington, VT hoping some families could gift nice things as wants or needs this season.

Current project:  I'm planning to donate books from infant to adult levels to an organization called Family-To-Family  My plan is to donate books to an area of the US where, historically, immigrants have landed.  My families certainly arrived and thrived in parts all over NYC.  We are all one and thus, the gift of books, useful for entertainment, education, and empowerment, are a sheer bit of joy to be giving.  Even more exciting is that I'm planning to present this to my parents Christmas evening as a gift - two who are very passionated by education, reading and the under served.

My point here, is that even though I live with pain and difficulties, doing simple, good things for myself (sunlight bringing awareness to my legs) or acts of kindness (giving away things) - I continue to live on with peace and live fully NOW.